Leonie Fernhout

artistiek onderzoek - beeldhouwen - conceptueel - experimenteel - film - fotografie - gender - installatie - keramiek - lichaam - mens - natuur - objecten - performance - printen (2d) - samenwerking - schilderen - sculptuur - sociaal-maatschappelijk - spiritualiteit - tekenen - video

Exposeren nieuw sculptuur

Tentoonstelling / presentatie

  • 02-04-2021 t/m 25-04-2021
  • In samenwerking met: Red floor gallery
  • Locatie: Alexadrium, Rotterdam
  • The Red Floor Foundation is initiated to provide talented upcoming visual artists with platforms to publish their projects to a wide varied public audience. The Red Floor Alexandrium project is initiated by the Red Floor Foundation and generously enabled by Alexandrium Shopping Center providing us with the space, namely vacant shopping windows. Another huge thanks goes out to the Fleur Groenendijk Foundation who provided us with the financial support for this project.
  • http://www.redfloor.org/alexandrium