Noelle Ingeveldt

audiovisueel - artistiek onderzoek

Berkveldt is a Rotterdam-based audiovisual art studio. The projects are rooted in scientifically-based research and explore the interplay between humanity and the natural world.

Through extensive research, Berkveldt incorporates practical, local, and personal knowledge to provide new insights into complex social issues. The immersive installations and audiovisual stories offer a unique perspective on the world. Berkveldt's work challenges our perceptions of reality by using magical realism to offer a different angle on societal and cultural challenges. By incorporating non-human perspectives, viewers are invited to explore the fantastical and the magical within the everyday world. Berkveldt offers a unique vision of the future, challenging dominant paradigms and encouraging us to rethink our relationship with nature.

Noëlle Ingeveldt graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and achieved her Master of Arts at M.I.A.R.D Piet Zwart Instituut. She teaches at the HKU Bachelor Design for Change and Innovation.