Pedro Gil Farias

publieke ruimte - artistiek onderzoek - media

​​As an interdisciplinary researcher, artist and designer, I repurpose digital and analog media to critically reflect on cities and urban spaces. Through spatial and artistic interventions, participatory workshops and other interactive experiences, that question preconceived assumptions about the urban spaces we inhabit and open up conversations and processes of co-imagination and creation of alternatives. In my working process, I adopt a DIY and amateurist approach, using a range of different media, from 3D scanning and photogrammetry, to modded video games and printmaking. A key aspect is looking at projects as open-ended and open-source, documenting the process and making it available for further re-appropriation. My research and artistic practice focuses on participatory, DIY and informal approaches to urbanism and city-making. This focus is something that organically evolved from my background in participatory and critical design and my personal interest in spatial appropriation reflected in skateboarding and graffiti.