Rolf Versteegh

fotografie - audiovisueel - documentair - film - video

To live the below capturing time (personal and universal) :

"The honest man ought not be a slave to history." Ignazio Silone.

Art by its very nature provides a way out of suffering through creating an environment of compassionate and truthful understanding.

" Resistance starts with a declaration of innocence." Albert Camus.

“The figure of the flâneur – the stroller, the passionate wanderer emblematic of nineteenth-century French literary culture -has always been essentially timeless; he removes himself from the world while he stands astride its heart,” Bijan Stephan writes at The Paris Review. In essays by the poet Charles Baudelaire and critic Walter Benjamin, the flâneur wanders dreamily through the fashionable modern city, taking in the sights and sounds – he (and it is always a he) is not a tourist, but a critic, an observer, a sophisticated appraiser, detachment embodied.



"Herinnering en verzet"


  • 01-09-2000 t/m 04-09-2003
  • Locatie: De straat, Rotterdam Amsterdam Den Haag
  • Productie autonoom fotowerk voor "Herinnering en verzet" dmv van het fotograferen van politieke demonstraties en WW2 herdenkingsbijeenkomsten. The people photographed bear witness to the fact that criminal acts and inhumane behaviour should not be redeemed by History. Having born the full brunt of unreasanoble historic forces they are anchored in a past that is always actual. Denying their testimony a place in the consciousness of today’s running of societyis a failing.

AKA Kurdistan


  • 08-09-2001 t/m 01-09-2003
  • In samenwerking met: Susan Meiselas
  • Locatie: de straat, Rotterdam, Den Haag, Hamburg, Parijs , Cherbourg
  • Fotografie demonstraties Koerden, gepubliceerd op Susan Meiselas's (Magnum) "Akakurdistan, in the shadow of history". Ook opgenomen in de reizende tentoonstelling die was te zien in Hamburg, Cherbourg en Parijs.
  • (in timeline 2 verhalen).

Herinnering en verzet

Tentoonstelling / presentatie

  • 01-09-2003 t/m 30-09-2003
  • In samenwerking met: Galerie Lichzone, Galerie Objectief
  • Locatie: Galerie Lichzone, Galerie Objectief, Groningen Enschede
  • Solotentoonstelling in Fotogalerie Lichtzone, Groningen en Galerie Objectief, Enschede "Herinnering en verzet".