Simon Browne

artistiek onderzoek - design - publicatie

Simon Browne is an artist, researcher and designer whose research interests are based around networked publishing, digital archives, web-to-print and design within the public domain. He is a current maintainer of PrePostPrint, an international network based around design tools and resources using free/libre open-source software (F/LOSS). He holds a Master's degree from the Experimental Publishing programme at the Piet Zwart Institute, and lives and works in Rotterdam, where he is active as a member of the collective Varia.

Publishing Partyline


  • 14-10-2022 t/m 15-10-2022
  • Locatie: Varia, Rotterdam
  • The Publishing Partyline was a collective learning moment at Varia to dive into the dependency relations that are being formed when working with web-to-print techniques, between designers-and-tools and between tools-and-standards.

Tasks of the Contingent Librarian


  • t/m 18-02-2021
  • In samenwerking met: de Appel
  • Locatie: , Amsterdam
  • Tasks of the Contingent Librarian is a set of 52 cards in a box that describe the actions involved in maintaining a bootleg library. Each card has an action described on one side, with images and references on the other. The "Tasks" is part of the group publication "This may or may not be a true story or a lesson in resistance", published by Amsterdam art centre de Appel.