Tomi Hilsee

artistiek onderzoek - community - design - educatie - samenwerking

Tomi is an artist, architect and builder whose approach to making and design, at both times experimental and pragmatic, is to cram as much love into a situation as possible. Interested in the fluctuating relationships that make up our possibility to build things together, they stress a shift onto how we build rather than what we build. A view of architecture as a choreography of bodies, materials, responsibilities, politics and affections. Currently they are exploring choreography as an architectural methodology, and the overlap between scoring notations in dance composition and that of architectural drawings; a shift away from outcome and towards movement, process and duration. If the architectural plan says where to end up, the score says how to get there.

Fictioning Comfort; anonymous(?) correspondence bike messenger distribution

Tentoonstelling / presentatie

  • 01-06-2020 t/m 31-07-2024
  • In samenwerking met: Showroom MAMA
  • Locatie: City wide, Rotterdam
  • In advance of the Fictioning Comfort exhibition, curated by WorkNot!, a bike messenger network was made to deal with the new effects of covid lockdown. The round was intended to 'bring the exhibition' to homes, and also to distribute notes, care packages and self-made publications. It informally grew into an ongoing network of correspondence, creation and distribution between artists. It added another layer to a show about precarity and the blur of home/office, work/leisure and intimacy.

Threshold Nest Assembly


  • 01-06-2021 t/m 01-07-2021
  • In samenwerking met: Shailoh Phillips, cancelled Orel Festival funds
  • Locatie: Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam
  • An occupation on the threshold of WdKA after students were forcibly denied to hang a banner in solidarity with Palestine. As teachers in Social Practice we protested the double bind to teach a publicly engaged decolonial practice but not discuss politics. Shailoh Phillips and I facilitated a collective woven nest to extend the front door, create our own hospitality, and challenge what can be said where. It held reading groups, a decolonial library, banners, and letters to the institution.

Gathering Amidst the Ruins; on the potential of assembly within the context of art institutions

Tentoonstelling / presentatie

Wild Care

Tentoonstelling / presentatie

  • 17-06-2021 t/m 31-07-2021
  • In samenwerking met: Porto Design Bienalle, Alberto Altés, Ana Jara
  • Locatie: Porto Design Bienalle, Porto
  • Inspired by Jack Halberstam’s understanding of ‘the wild’ as a resistant ontology and as an “uneven space of aesthetic power”, the exhibition will assemble stories of practices that contribute to increasing the sheer amount of care and love in/on the planet, resisting cynicism and toxic irresponsibility.