Weronika Zielinska

samenwerking - uitwisseling - gender - economie - artistiek onderzoek

Weronika Zielińska-Klein (PL) is an artist-mother, researcher, and educator. In her practice, Zielińska explores different curatorial strategies in which the concepts of gift and hospitality play an essential role. In 2012 Zielińska established Upominki – a non-profit project space for art in Rotterdam. Working with Upominki (“gifts” in Polish) moved Zielińska’s research further toward the practice of exchange, while also asking about how to sustain a non-profit space. In 2019 Zielińska was appointed to lead the interdisciplinary department of Autonomous Practices at the Willem de Koning Academy in Rotterdam. Her current research explores the intersections of autonomy, critical self-organization, and mothering, all three as practices – within the larger understanding of art as a means for cultural production.