wolf engelen

conceptueel - educatie - publieke ruimte - sociaal-maatschappelijk

Conceptual artist wolf engelen works in public space in the field of social sculpture and learning environments – both in self-initiated projects and on commission. By placing the studio as a creative space in the public domain, he tries to place art at the center of society in a self-evident and inseparable way through collective making and thinking processes. wolf engelen is co-founder of the organic research collective SOHERE (2016), which develops horizontal learning environments in ever-changing compositions of thinkers and doers. From the City Monastery of Engelenburg (since 2020), a religion-free place of continuity and concentration, he investigates the practice of generosity, love, sincerity and detachment. The supra-individual, helping as an action, ideas as gifts, long-term commitment.


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