Lore Pilzecker

artistiek onderzoek - audiovisueel - beeldhouwen - conceptueel - cross-over - digitaal - digitale technologie - economie - experimenteel - film - fotografie - geschiedenis - globalisering - installatie - internationaal - internet - keramiek - omgeving - printen (2d) - printen (3d) - publieke ruimte - residency - sculptuur - sociaal-maatschappelijk

Familiar UN Familiar

Tentoonstelling / presentatie

  • 18-12-2020 t/m 10-12-2020
  • In samenwerking met: Rachel Heemskerk, Marieke Peeters, Eef Veldkamp en Dante van Elburg
  • Locatie: Jedan Osam Jedan, Rotterdam
  • The traveler is often looking for unique experience in another world. A new environment, a different context that invites you to have a closer look. At the same time the traveler looks for something recognizable, universal or known found in the unknown. But with the traveler forced in the enclosed borders of her own environment, does this initiate a search for the strange and unknown in places that feel like home?