Sandra Zegarra Patow

fotografie - geluid - installatie - media

As an artist, my creative practice is based on my intuition, my beliefs, and the connection I establish with the subjects. This approach is not only based on how I develop my projects but also how I direct my path in life. When it comes to creativity I always try to get inspired by visiting museums, art exhibitions, follow certain social media platforms and reading articles about upcoming artists as well as my experience and observations.

We live in a world of speed, where you can easily get distracted by everything around you and sometimes it can be very overwhelming. But it is very important to focus on the things that matter to you. What drives me and keeps me focused is creating a beautiful world where I can share stories and help people along the way. I only create and get involved in projects that I find beautiful or stimulating, and I try to have fun as much as possible during the process.

Equally important is that my work sparks discussions and develops new ways of thinking about how we see and perceive the world.